91_899.ZIP 33,729 09-16-91 Helping your child learn Science. By U.S. Department of Education.
GRADEBK4.ZIP 237,138 12-09-92 Grade Book Power, v. 3.20. Keeps up-to-the-minute information for all students. The program prepares, prints and stores information necessary to produce comprehensive reports. By Terry L. Jepson.
LATIN.ZIP 38,546 06-07-90 Latin I Review, v. 1.21. Latin culture, grammar, and translation. By David Meltzer.
SPAN1_20.ZIP 96,777 10-27-87 Language Teacher, v. 2.0. Spanish; Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
ACE1.ZIP 162,890 01-23-87 ACE, v. 1.0. A General-Purpose Astronomy Software Package. By Astrosoft.
AECT.ZIP 49,498 07-09-92 Advanced English Computer Tutorial. By Dr M. Malekzadeh.
AFARM.ZIP 180,525 04-25-93 Animal Farm. Guided tutorial about the book. By Steve Herbert.
AI_TUTOR.ZIP 130,896 04-07-91 Artificial intelligence tutorial programs. By Thinking Software.
AIRCOND.ZIP 51,185 12-02-91 Centalex. A menu driven, graphics oriented central air conditioning system troubleshooting practice program. By Robert A. Plett.
AIRCOND.ZIP 51,185 12-02-91 Expert system for fixing central air conditioning systems
ALMANAC.ZIP 138,426 08-28-91 Almanac 1992. Interesting facts. By Jeff Napier.
ANBS01.ZIP 74,454 08-01-91 Catalog of Educational Software from the All Night Bookstore
ASL.ZIP 163,263 03-06-91 Sign Friends. Provides an interactive learning environment for those who would find it useful-- Hearing or deaf, speaking or nonverbal, user or interpreter. While fingerspelling is less used, it is a necessary skill. By Fran O'Gorman.
ASTRO20.ZIP 38,379 09-10-88 Astropack Astronomical Tools, v. 2.0. By graham denham.
ASTROE.ZIP 48,572 01-03-87 Astro. An Astronomy Program. By Don Thayer.
ATEASE.ZIP 545,074 06-28-92 At Ease With Computer Programming, v. 1.4. By Jon Barron.
ATM.ZIP 140,209 08-18-91 ATM. Computerized Torah Treasure. By Reuven Blau.
BASSCL12.ZIP 163,578 03-25-91 Bass Class, v. 1.2. Fishing game/tutorial. It's loaded with on-screen help, has a built in fishing glossary. Uses a mouse. Requires EGA, 512k.
BOOKRPRT.ZIP 130,401 11-11-91 Book Report Program. Automatically generate book reports. The program can be used as a pre-writing activity for students who are searching for a topic for composition. By Richard Raker.
BUDDY.ZIP 55,127 07-27-90 Study Buddy, v. 1.0. Flash Cards for memorization of terms and definitions. By Tom Gough.
CATTEST.ZIP 285,219 06-30-91 CATs. Computer Assisted Testing (in technical subjects.) In what direction then should we turn for testing? In TECHNICAL testing, it is clear that we need to turn away from multiple choice methods and toward truly objective methods of assessment. (TPas 6 src.) Dr. Carl W. David.
CHEM.ZIP 42,579 01-01-80 Chemview, v. 1.0. Molecular animation program, shows 3 dimensional rotation. By Larry Puhl.
CHEMICAL.ZIP 156,527 12-13-87 Chemical, v 2.0. Molecular modeling Program, 3-D pictures of chemicals. By Larry Puhl.
CHEMREF.ZIP 150,632 04-25-93 Chemistry Reference Library, v. 1.00. Complete reference on elements. By David Dramer.
CHPAL240.ZIP 46,130 02-16-90 ChemPal, v. 2.4. Help students learn the periodic table. By Bruce Baker.
CHPAL240.ZIP 46,130 02-16-90 Help students learn the periodic table.
CLASS.ZIP 79,941 09-29-89 Computer Bible Class, v. 1.1. An interactive Bible Study program. By Decisions Christian.
CODEPRAC.ZIP 11,234 07-07-86 CWP. Morse code practice tutor. By Patrick E. O'Farrell.
CODEPRAC.ZIP 11,234 07-07-86 Morse code practice tutor
COSMOS14.ZIP 168,494 04-10-91 Cosmos, v. 14.11. Provides astronomical simulations the same way a planetarium does. Shows the past, present and future skies as viewed from Earth. Also shows the position of the planets and comets in orbit around the Sun and gives specific data about the celestial bodies. By Gene W. Lee.
COSMOS14.ZIP 168,494 04-10-91 Planetarium Simulator, program which provides astronomical simulations
CPPTUT.ZIP 201,662 03-04-93 C++ Tutor, v. 2.0. Comprehensive C++ learning experience. By Coronado Enterprises
CPTUT23.ZIP 90,354 01-09-92 Contact Plus C++ tutorial. By Genesis Data Systems, Inc.
CSA.ZIP 30,033 05-22-87 CSA, v. 3.17. Categorical Syllogism Analyzer. This program is meant as a first step in the 'understanding' of categorical syllogisms. A syllogism is analyzed for structure and validity. By Chris Lord
CW212.ZIP 37,017 01-22-87 CW Learning Guide, your first step to Ham Radio. (Pascal src.) By M. Lee Murrah.
DIT_DAH.ZIP 57,765 02-13-90 CW. The Original Comprehensive Morse Code Training Program for the PC. By L. Murrah.
DOSIMP12.ZIP 290,652 01-15-92 DOS, Simply Said, Simply Done, Simply Easy! By Kari Jackson.
DOSSUM20.ZIP 149,752 02-14-92 DOS Summary. Hypertext tutorial and reference product which covers all DOS commands and drivers through MS-DOS version 5.0. By Shareable Software International.
DOSTUT10.ZIP 72,708 03-26-92 DOS Tutorial, v. 1.0. By George T. Knoblauch.
DOSTUTOR.ZIP 67,562 08-23-91 DOS 5.0 Tutor. Designed to help you people out there thatare having problems with the different MS-DOS commands. By Frank Duchna & Carsten Bockstette.
DRAWSOME.ZIP 56,399 03-30-91 Freehand drawing program
ED_CHEM.ZIP 111,237 10-03-85 VideoChem. Teach secondary school students about chemical valences. By Andy Schloat.
EDPACK1.ZIP 301,486 06-15-91 TutorialWriter, v. 2.1. (1/3) Tutorial writing tool. By Intelligent Educational Software.
ELEMENTS.ZIP 54,897 08-15-89 Element Study Aid, Ver 1.0.0sw, learn the periodic table. By Enchanted Tree.
EPHEM421.ZIP 245,439 09-12-90 Ephem, v. 4.21. Astronomy: displays ephemerides for all the planets plus any two additional objects. By Elwood Charles Downey.
EWATCH12.ZIP 101,923 02-01-91 Earthwatch. Display earth/moon cycle, phases of moon, etc.
EXAMBANK.ZIP 122,980 12-30-91 Exam Bank, v. 2.02. Generate examinations. By Jess Kitchens.
EXPLORE2.ZIP 57,975 08-28-91 Explore. Designed for children aged 10 to 14 who are learning about history in school. By Solaris Systems.
EXTOL3.ZIP 65,525 02-06-88 PC-Extol, v. 3.1. A programming language for Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) By Michael C. Taylor.
FIRSTAID.ZIP 30,586 06-18-91 First Aid, v. 2.7. Basic techniques to handle common emergencies.
FLAGS604.ZIP 161,726 05-12-89 Flags of the World, v. 6.04. Over 275 different national, state, and organization flags, in full color. Over fifty national anthems are also included. By Herbert F. Van Brink.
FLAGS91.ZIP 271,836 06-30-91 Flags of every nation under the sun. Shows 600 Flags. By Thomas J. Mosbo.
FMAP101.ZIP 185,480 03-18-91 Finger Maps, v. 1.01. A object-oriented map drawing package. By Poisson Technology.
FRAMES.ZIP 65,752 11-26-89 Frames, v. 1.0. A Computer-Aided Instruction Tool. It implements something known as "programmed textbooks," presenting the student with small bits of material, called "frames," and requiring the student to fill in words or phrases that have been left out. By Timothy Weber.
FREN1_23.ZIP 58,707 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. French (1/2); Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
FREN2_23.ZIP 57,199 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. French (2/2); Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
FRENCH.ZIP 56,195 10-22-91 Foreign Language Assistant, v. 1.84. French tutorial. By MicroTac.
FRNCH102.ZIP 90,714 02-12-92 Ultimate French, v. 1.02. Learn basic French vocabulary and verb conjugation. Excellent for students or travelers. Tests and records scores. By Ultimate Software.
FTVGA10.ZIP 276,287 08-18-92 PC-FasType/VGA, v. 1.0. A typing tutorial program SPECIFICALLY designed for VGA quality monitors and the 101-Key Keyboard. By Trendtech.
GERM1_23.ZIP 59,546 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. (1/2) German; Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
GERM2_23.ZIP 58,024 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. (2/2) German; Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
GITAR108.ZIP 102,330 08-14-91 Guitar Teacher, v. 1.08. Both a guitar tuner that is accurate to 1/10,000th of a cycle per second and a database of guitar chord diagrams. By Michael Fenemore.
GRAVITY2.ZIP 112,662 04-11-90 Gravity, v. 2.0. Simulates motions of planetary bodies in space. By Steve Safarik.
HACKTST3.ZIP 27,210 04-04-92 Hacker Test, v. 3. Measures your computer hacking experiences and abilities. By Rich Lewis.
HBIBLE.ZIP 40,616 08-18-89 Hbible. Hebrew bible quiz. If you answer right, you are rewarded with a lively Jewish tune and bright colors. By Maurice and Michael Mizrahi.
IGOTUTOR.ZIP 253,961 02-20-92 Igo Tutor. A Tutorial system for the Japanese game of Go.
INF_EXE.ZIP 99,728 05-07-87 An inference engine which proves consequents given antecedents. By George Hageman.
INF_SRC.ZIP 48,387 03-13-86 Inference Engine source code in C. (C src.)
INSIDE.ZIP 94,972 06-16-91 Inside. A short tutorial about how your computer works. By Jeff Napier.
INTTEST.ZIP 1,607 08-18-90 A text intellegence test.
IQ20.ZIP 62,384 12-07-90 I.Q. Challenge, v. 2.0. By Richard Morley.
ITAL1_23.ZIP 59,268 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. Italian (1/2); Menu driven language tutorial programs. Also select language-to-English or English-to-language combinations, multiple choice answers, be retested on misses, and tests. By Cindy & Andrew Bartorillo.
JAPAN14.ZIP 112,655 05-14-88 Japanese. A introduction to Japanese for business and travel. By LangWare.
JARG_283.ZIP 410,451 07-14-91 Jargon, v. 2.8.3. Computer hacker dictionary. By Eric Raymond.
JPSTPHN2.ZIP 55,651 06-18-91 Jpstphn, v. 2. Phenomena of the Galilean Satellites of Jupiter. By Emanuel Gruengrad.
JUGGLER.ZIP 135,355 11-13-91 3 ball Juggler, v. 1.12. Uses fast animation with high resolution EGA/VGA graphics to teach three ball juggling. Also demonstrates some common mistakes most beginners make. By First Magnitude.
KANJI1.ZIP 351,692 01-10-90 Kanjicard. (1/3). Electronic Flash Cards of Japanese Characters. By Brightbill Roberts.
KANJI2.ZIP 353,735 11-18-89 Kanjicard. (2/3). Electronic Flash Cards of Japanese Characters. By Brightbill Roberts.
KANJI3.ZIP 349,614 11-18-89 Kanjicard. (3/3). Electronic Flash Cards of Japanese Characters. By Brightbill Roberts.
KAPIAN.ZIP 146,471 03-13-91 Kapian. Chinese Flash Cards. Study 1) the Chinese character (either Long or Short Form), 2) the romanized sound, in the particular dialect you want to learn, and 3) the English meaning. By Phil Mosier.
KEYMSTR.ZIP 129,951 01-31-89 KeyMaster. Introduces you to typing by touch, rather than by looking at the keyboard to find each key. Working at your ability level, you practice typing combinations of letters.
LRNMSE.ZIP 71,062 04-15-90 WW6B Amateur Radio Morse Code Training Program. By Alan Christian.
LSIGN25.ZIP 79,993 05-01-91 Learn to Sign, v. 2.5. A tutor program aimed at teaching the American Sign Language. Supports 'finger spelling' and support for actual signs such as hello, mother, colors, and other common words. By Herb Bartow.
LTTRFALL.ZIP 34,336 05-06-86 Letterfall typing tutor v. 1.10
MACBETH.ZIP 191,955 05-03-90 Macbeth by Shakespeare. A series of activities to assist high school students learning Shakespeare's play 'Macbeth'. The student can select the activity of his choice from a series of menus. By Steve Herbert.
PC_QUIZ.ZIP 172,849 05-31-90 PC-Quizzer, v 2.2. Computer Based Testing, many features.
PCBIBLE.ZIP 18,660 10-11-88 A manual for serious Bible students, and or new Christians.
PCCAI205.ZIP 240,076 04-23-91 PC-CAI, v. 2.05. Computer Assisted Instructional Language. By Alan C. Elliott.
PCFTYP41.ZIP 178,782 04-30-90 PC-FASTYPE, v4.1. A typing tutorial for IBM-PC keyboards.
PCL56.ZIP 303,939 07-05-92 PC-LEARN, v. 5.6. A training system which includes chapters on buying and using a computer, an entertaining history of computers, DOS lessons, hard disk drives and tech tips. By Jim Hood.
PLANET.ZIP 46,188 06-26-88 planet, v 3.4. Computes and displays planet orbits.
PLAYGOD.ZIP 81,764 08-02-89 Gravity v.1.0. Experiment with the orbits of planets.
PRIMIT.ZIP 30,695 05-16-87 Prime_it, Welcome to the magic world of prime numbers.
PSYCHMED.ZIP 119,790 04-19-91 PsyMed, v. 1.2. Quick reference to psychotropic medications.
QUICTYPE.ZIP 45,902 07-13-89 Quictype. Game for polishing your touch typing skills. By Matthew J. W. Ratcliff.
QUIZGE.ZIP 70,447 11-16-87 Multiple Choice Quiz Generating Program, v. 3.0.
QUIZGEN.ZIP 42,454 11-29-87 Multiple Choice Quiz Generating Program, v. 3.2.
QUIZMK21.ZIP 100,018 01-10-92 QUIZMAKER, v. 2.1. Educational Tool and a Trivia Game. By Intelligent Educational Software.
QUIZZIA1.ZIP 81,410 09-10-91 Quizzia 1.1. A fun, easy, educational trivia game. By Thomas Roddy.
READFAST.ZIP 80,075 10-20-90 Readfast. Enhances and improves reading skills. Aimed at developing three basic disciplines: Reading comprehension, Phrase recognition, and Eye scanning. By Mike Maynard.
RECAL302.ZIP 315,458 07-14-93 Total Recall v3.02. Learn most any subject or language with this powerful, easy-to-use study program. You enter the material you need to learn or memorize. It then helps you drill, review, and test yourself quickly and effortlessly. It keeps track of your weaknesses to save you hours of time and work. You can even add a PCX picture to each entry to make learning more effective. By Zoran Sevarlic.
RMAN.ZIP 56,459 01-28-91 Rain-Man is a basic hangman like game with french vocabulary.
ROMANS.ZIP 5,994 11-18-89 Practice with roman numerals.
ROMEO.ZIP 207,698 11-05-90 Activities to assist learning Shakespeare's play 'Romeo & Juliet'.
RTBD_SH.ZIP 121,259 12-31-90 Regents [English SAT] tutor for biology (1/2)
RTED_SH.ZIP 101,147 12-31-90 Regents [English SAT] tutor for biology (2/2)
RUSEN125.ZIP 238,237 11-29-91 Russian English On-Line Dictionary. v. 1.25.
RUSSV15.ZIP 234,264 06-16-91 Simple russian language tutor.
SAM.ZIP 210,709 10-18-92 Uncle Sam's Budget Balancer. Simple simulation of balancing the US budget.
SAT_VV12.ZIP 274,020 12-06-91 Verbal Vanquish, v. 1.2. Score well on SAT verbal section. By James Blair.
SATVIEW2.ZIP 34,439 06-18-91 Views of Saturn, v. 2. Projects a model of a sunlit Saturn from any angle.
SCHED24.ZIP 22,219 02-19-88 College class scheduler v. 2.4 finds all permutations. Excellent. (Pas src.)
SCORE4.ZIP 25,253 02-10-91 Score4. Scantron scoring utility for odd number of questions. By Ken Gould.
SCRSHARE.ZIP 76,301 04-12-91 Scripture Memory, v 2.0. Bible memorization.
SFS0002.ZIP 100,240 08-01-89 Space Flight Simulator, V. 0.02. Real-time simulation of orbital focus.
SKY21.ZIP 223,769 01-12-90 Sky-View, v. 2.1. a planetarium simulator.
SKYGLO25.ZIP 288,009 05-20-91 Skyglobe, v 2.5. Displays 15,000 stars, planets.
SKYPLOT.ZIP 142,173 10-11-87 Skyplot, v. 2.0/2.1. Simulates a Planetarium.
SM114.ZIP 81,025 08-06-88 Super Morse, v. 1.14. Comprehensive Morse Code Training.
SMS1.ZIP 75,583 06-13-91 Scripture Memory System, Bible study course.
SOLAR.ZIP 33,699 10-11-88 Display the solar system, menu for statistics.
SPAN11.ZIP 157,155 08-13-90 spanish, v. 1.1. A Collection of programs for learning Spainish. By Philip Roger Yant.
SPAN1_23.ZIP 60,166 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. (1/2). Menu-driven spanish language tutorial.
SPAN2_23.ZIP 57,495 03-01-89 Language Teacher, v. 2.3. (2/2). Menu-driven spanish language tutorial.
SPANISH.ZIP 90,650 10-22-91 MicroTac Foreign Language Assistant. v. 1.84.
SPANMATH.ZIP 32,852 08-05-91 Spanmath, v. 1.0. Math drills in spanish.
SPANTRVL.ZIP 108,662 10-22-91 Spanish for Travellers by LangWare. Formal lessons & fun.
SPELL200.ZIP 307,613 01-03-91 Spellbound!, v. 2.0. Spelling Tutor. "My daughter Shannon, the original beta tester of the spelling tutor, for whose spelling improvement this project was begun, won her class spelling bee the first year of its use!" By Kenneth R. Casey.
SPELLING.ZIP 39,295 04-18-90 SPELLING, a spelling tutorial for high school and college.
SPNSH102.ZIP 91,982 02-12-92 Ultimate Spanish v. 1.02. Learn basic Spanish vocabulary and verb conjugation. Excellent for students or travelers. Tests and records scores. By Ultimate Software.
STUDYAID.ZIP 31,446 05-17-90 Q & A Study Aid, v. 1.00. presents questions from a database.
SUPERCVS.ZIP 59,799 09-15-88 Super Conversions, a physics/chemical reference program that also converts units.
SURFACE.ZIP 188,646 07-20-89 Surface Plot. v. .40. Plots functions.
TCHTYPE.ZIP 92,018 05-24-89 Touch Type Tutor. v. 2. Lessons, speed tests, and a game.
TEDDEMO2.ZIP 134,456 05-22-90 Teddy, A Kinetic Gas Model. v. 2.0. An ideal gas model simulator based on molecular dynamics.
TESTGEN.ZIP 32,999 03-27-89 Test generator, creates multiple choice t/f tests.
TESTMKR.ZIP 37,290 06-29-87 testmaker. v. 1.0. Test builder.
TESTWRT2.ZIP 67,785 02-17-89 TestWriter, v. 2.1A. Preparing a testbank containing exam questions.
TGA40_1.ZIP 303,288 12-31-90 The grading assistant. v. 4.0. (1/2) Good teacher's grading program.
TGA40_2.ZIP 235,092 12-31-90 The grading assistant. v. 4.0. (2/2) Good teacher's grading program.
THEPRES1.ZIP 157,101 03-05-88 The Presidents. (1/2) Quiz on presidents.
THEPRES2.ZIP 165,591 01-13-88 The Presidents. (2/2) Quiz on presidents.
THEWORLD.ZIP 103,817 12-16-88 The World, v. 2.6. Graphic map of the world and hurricane tracks.
TIDES16.ZIP 108,065 10-26-89 Tide predicting. v. 1.6. Predicts height & strength of tides.
TODAY21.ZIP 80,301 04-30-88 Today. v. 2.1 What interesting things happened on this date.
TODAY4.ZIP 41,992 04-01-87 Today auxilary data file. v. 4.0
TODAY71.ZIP 81,498 01-01-88 Today auxilary data file. v. 7. (1/3)
TODAY73.ZIP 98,342 01-01-88 Today auxilary data file. v. 7. (2/3)
TODAY7CG.ZIP 48,493 11-30-88 Today auxilary data file. v. 7. (3/3)
TODAYPC2.ZIP 59,228 04-10-88 Today pc/2. A Today clone.
TONITE24.ZIP 79,157 02-03-90 Tonite, v. 2.4. Sunrise, Sunset, Twilight, Moonrise, Moonset, etc.
TORNADO.ZIP 73,612 11-13-86 Tornado. Tutorial on tornados.
TRANS.ZIP 45,040 01-01-80 TRANS, v. 1.0. Translates English <-> Spanish.
TRANSLTR.ZIP 113,792 06-15-91 Translate, Spanish to English translator, with phonetic guide.
TTREKV10.ZIP 66,997 08-28-91 Type Trek, v. 1.0. A typing tutor in game format. As a game, it follows (loosely) the classic Star Trek games that originated on mainframe computers, where the goal was to seek out and destroy Klingon ships. By Tea Time Software.
TTT.ZIP 39,816 09-19-91 Touch Type Tutor. Teach Mode has 8 graduated lessons and adapts itself automatically to the users skill level. Speed Mode measures a typists speed. Game Mode adapts itself to the typists skill, forcing the user to type faster and faster throughout the five skill levels. By David P Gray.
TTT34.ZIP 42,429 05-15-91 Touch Type Tutor, v. 3.4. Adapts to user's typing level. Speed & game mode.
TURKISH1.ZIP 74,129 09-10-91 Turkish language teacher. (Basic src.) By Turgut Kalfaoglu.
TUTORWRI.ZIP 312,046 10-05-90 TutorialWriter, v. 2.1. Computer Assisted Instruction.
TYPDOS40.ZIP 56,398 03-17-92 Type DOS, v. 4. Typing DOS Commands v4.0 from Fred Howard. Learn DOS commands at your own speed. Analyzes up to 66 commands you type. By Fred Howard.
TYPEGAME.ZIP 76,087 09-30-90 Type Games. v. 1.0. Typing race between teams.
USA_SURV.ZIP 419,328 04-13-91 Survey The USA, Graphical map of the USA.
USGEO102.ZIP 130,285 02-12-92 Ultimate Geography, v. 1.02. Complete USA geography teacher and tester. Learn states, capitals and trivia. Has a beautiful map of the USA. By Ultimate Software.
UTUTOR.ZIP 149,335 05-25-92 Nucleus, v. 1.0. Cell biology tutorial, with good VGA microphotographs. By Leonard C. Ginsberg.
VARGRA50.ZIP 667,989 04-28-92 VAR Grade, v. 5.0. Allows you to both grade and record attendance in your classes. It will allow you to record, analyze, and print grades and attendance. By Dennis Revie.
VCLANG11.ZIP 153,240 06-20-91 VisiCLANG, v. 1.10. Compiler education, allows tracing execution as it compiles. Assembly generated.
VMAP102.ZIP 230,633 05-22-91 Versamap, v. 1.02. Draws outline maps on different map projections, using public domain map databases. Can be viewed, printed, output as .PCX files or ASCII text files.
VOCP10.ZIP 60,894 07-17-91 Vocabulary Primer, v1.0. Teaches vocabulary words & quizes. By Denis L. Latkowski.
VOCRT.ZIP 161,847 02-04-91 Vocabulary roots, v. 4.1. Vocabulary builder.
WNG.ZIP 87,267 09-12-89 WORLD Name Game, World capitals.
WORDWHIZ.ZIP 43,095 04-14-90 WordWhiz, volume 1. Word quiz.
WORDWIZ.ZIP 32,277 06-22-87 Hangman word quiz.
WORLD297.ZIP 173,106 09-27-89 World, v. 2.9x. Map of the world & Hurricanes.